I have no doubt that one of our most treasured keepsakes will be our daughter’s first vacation journal. On a recent trip to Hawaii, her teacher sent her with a simple, photocopied lined paper book for her to document her days on vacation. It gave this early reader and writer a chance to practice her writing and storytelling, as well as made her more aware of her borrowed surroundings and her new experiences during our travels.
With summer vacation upon us, many parents wonder how to keep school skills fresh, but also fun. May I suggest creating a summer journey journal? Use it for your summer trip, or as a way to document the entire summer break and have your kids share it with their friends when they return to school in the fall. You can go simple and classic, or in HipTravelMama style, you can snaz it up a bit with these hip journals like this fantastic Journey Journal from CrackedDesigns via Etsy.com (above) that make a fashionable and fun statement that you (and your kids) will treasure forever. Here are 5 hip tips for making your kids summer vacation journals soar:

Photo: ecojot.com, ecoKIDS
1. Keep it simple: It’s amazing what happens when you hand kids a simple sketch book, or lined journal adorned with their favorite colors or things. These stylish, yet simple retro notebooks from EcoJot are earth-friendly and come in a variety of styles to suit boys and girls. Barnes and Noble also has some very hip Jonathan Adler designed journals. If you are looking for something unique, Etsy.com has some beautiful handmade vintage travel journals sure to make a lasting impression.
2. Map out your game plan: Sit down with your kids and decide ahead of time what their favorite memories of summer are and what they are most looking forward to on their vacation. Let them pick out their journal, a favorite pencil and help them make a list of what favorite things they want to do and write about on their vacation this summer.
3. Photo-log your journey: Arm your kids with a camera this summer and watch how their imaginations take off. You will capture viewpoints from a whole new angle and you can print them out, paste them in their journal and have them write a story about the picture. This amazing photo of the sweet plumeria in Maui was taken from a vantage point of a child on vacation and was the inspiration for a beautiful drawing and story about the flowers in Hawaii.
4. Go digital: If your kids prefer clicks and keys to a pad of paper, consider these fun options on your iPad or computer. For older kids, the Trip Journal application (below) for the iPhone and iPad has some incredible features, with GPS route tracking, photo capability and journal notes to describe vacation experiences, your kids can traverse the globe and document vacation experiences and share with friends and family. Or, consider setting them up with their own summer vacation blog on Blogger.com or WordPress.com and they can share their summer journey with friends and family from anywhere, anytime.
5. Remember its about the journey: Summer is home to some of childhood’s sweetest memories. Before you head out on that summer trip, remember that its not just about the destination, but the personal journey of travel that makes life sweet. Take time to share the warm summer evenings with your kids, camp under the stars, taste the local food in your travels and most of all, savor these sweet memories of travel together as a family.
Have a hip tip for creating a fun and memorable kids travel journal? Tell us about it in the comments.
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[…] Hip Tips: Savor Summer with Kids Travel Journals – This project at Hip Travel Mama is geared towards having your kids keep track of their summer travels, however, what better way to get another perspective on your summer vacation? Use your kids’ journals to help you flesh out your own projects! […]